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Who are Purple Phoenix?.. 

At Purple Phoenix, we are dedicated to nurturing the spiritual well-being and holistic health of individuals across South Essex, and beyond, driven by the belief that everyone deserves to live a life filled with purpose, balance and inner peace.

Our mission is to create a welcoming haven, a spiritual health hub, and an alternative retail emporium, where people can embark on
transformative journeys of self-discovery and healing.

At the heart of our mission is a commitment to providing exceptional holistic treatments and private spiritual and intuitive readings, delivered by a team of trusted associates who are passionate about empowering others.

We offer a diverse range of healing modalities, tailored to address the unique needs of each person, promoting physical, emotional and spiritual balance.

Purple Phoenix also serves as a vibrant community base for those navigating their spiritual and healing paths. We believe in the power of community support and host support groups, events
and workshops aimed at fostering connection, understanding and growth.

Through these gatherings, we create a safe space where individuals can share their experiences, learn from one another and find solace in a supportive environment.

Our commitment extends to offering an alternative retail experience, with products that align with holistic living, spirituality and personal growth. We carefully select items that inspire and enhance spiritual practices, encouraging mindfulness and self-reflection, available at our shop, based in Fobbing or on-line.

In the digital realm, Purple Phoenix extends it’s reach beyond the confines of our physical location. Through our on-line platform, we provide a wealth of resources, including insightful articles, guided meditations and interactive workshops. Our fledgling podcast series will delve into diverse and controversial topics, featuring thought provoking guests, healers and spiritual guides, offering wisdom and inspiration to our listeners - while chatting as friends.
We aim to connect with individuals from all walks of life, fostering a sense of belonging and understanding in the vast tapestry of life experiences and igniting the transformative power within
each of us.

We are committed to the following Principal Objectives:

1. Holistic Wellness: We recognise that true wellness encompasses mind, body and soul. We aim to support individuals in achieving balance and harmony in all aspects of their lives.

2. Empowerment: We empower our clients to take charge of their own well-being. Through education, guidance and personalised holistic practices we help people harness their inner strength and resilience.

3. Spiritual Connection: We honour the diversity of spiritual beliefs and practices, providing a safe and inclusive space for people to explore and deepen their connection to all that is.

4. Community: We foster a sense of belonging and support within our community, locally and on-line. Through workshops, events and collaborative experiences, we encourage the sharing of
knowledge and building of meaningful connections.
Community Membership. We aim to offer membership subscriptions at bronze, silver and gold phoenix levels to promote inclusion and affordable options. Also coming soon our magnificent purple package for maximum offers, exciting opportunities and deals. All Purple Phoenix subscription levels will bring benefits and provide value for signed up members.

5. Quality & Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of professionalism, ethics and integrity in all our interactions. Our team is dedicated to continuous learning and improvement to ensure the best possible service for our clients.

6. Inspiration: We aspire to inspire and uplift. Through our holistic offerings, we aim to spark a sense of wonder, personal growth and a deep appreciation for the journey of self-discovery.

7. Purple Power: We embrace the colour purple as a symbol of our commitment to spiritual growth and transformation. The marvellous, mystical, magical marriage of majestic purple and the mighty, flaming phoenix represents our dedication to creating a space of tranquillity, wisdom, empowerment and enlightenment.

Join us at Purple Phoenix where the flame of spiritual enlightenment and personal growth meets the nurturing embrace of community, guiding all towards a brighter, more harmonious future

The Purple Phoenix Team

Deb Pepper

Business Owner

Lifestyle Change Coach.

Hazel Parr

Business Owner

Crystal Healer and Teacher

Deb Hickey

Team Member

Intuitive Reader and Healer

Jo Wren

Team Member 

Medium and Reiki Practitioner

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